I got promoted! Now what…

I got promoted ! Now what…

Business is many things. Achieving results is at the tippy top and an obvious goal of 

any organization. The diversity in which companies fills their leadership ranks 

varies from company to company. Some approach it externally, seeking successful 

individuals who fit the role, responsibilities from outside companies using 

assessments, interviews and data to drive their decisions. Others choose to build 

their bench internally. Supporting a culture of performance-based requirements 

combined with assessment of soft skills to move their employee up the company 


In either scenario, especially internally, many are faced with challenges. 

Promotion to a leadership role based on past performance with gap in skills to actually lead people. A daunting challenge that some companies are not prepared for with systems, training, mentorship, coaching and leadership to advance the skills needed to be successful. 

Sadly, others do not have a framework of support, and endure the struggles, and too 

often failing this strong performer in their new role.

It’s a catch-22 scenario. The system of rewards for performance in growth and impact

to the bottom line of the company leading to promotions and leadership role is a

pretty good formula to elevate performance. Not a bad carrot. So how can a company

entice those aspiring ambitious performers and work on navigating the soft

skills, executive presence and fortitude of those who want to charge to the top.

Failure to have a performance-based system with leadership development can lead 

to a lot of messy things. The top issues being the failure of that leader, and second the 

shrapnel of that failure on those they lead. The combination can take a division – a 

team back years in desired results. 

Introduce executive and leadership coaching. The value of leadership development 

coaching, employee engagement coaching and enhancing professional and 

executive presence is monumental. Here lies the challenge. Time. Priorities. The 

ability to isolate the development plans effectively. 

The growing number of organizations that are reaping the rewards of a performance

based promotion system balanced with leadership coaching services is growing. 

And so are their results.


Lonely at the top


Executive Presence