Executive Presence
Executive Presence. It IS important. But what is it??
Before touting the top traits of a leader with executive presence, it is critical to know that while there are universal undeniable features of this superpower, most leaders
adopt many of the habits. The missing puzzle piece is they also need to adopt the
additional traits and eradicate others to complete the overall effectiveness and be
known for a high level of executive presence. In short, you can negate the strengths
of your executive presence if you execute weakness in key areas. Developing
leadership skills is the primary goal of the ambitious and successful.
Early on in my leadership career I received feedback that I was able to “work a room”.
I was told I commanded attention. Often shared was my ability to convey and make
messages “stick”. It was shared with me that when conducting one on
one meeting’s my ability to engage and have “presence” was palpable. Confident.
Calm in the storm demeanor. Great listening skills. It was my superpower.
This combined with what I now know as emotional intelligence was the
wind at my back in my leadership career. I was careful and cognizant to not injure
this brand with less than desirable behaviors. Judgment. Short sightedness.
Impatience. So, I worked at this to ensure my executive presence stayed steady and
strong. It was that important to my success.
If you wanted to improve your executive presence, where would you start? Glad you
Feedback. Executive presence is not a self-assessment. It requires feedback from
trusted sources on what you consistently do that has impact. And what you
consistently do that does not. Area of strength. Areas of opportunity.
Rather than having to take on a complete curriculum of Executive Presence,
you simply work on the areas needing the attention. This could require a
“START doing and also the ever-critical STOP doing” exercise.
Feedback then turned into FeedForward—the concept of learning from the future
of newly adopted behaviors. Replace the past with the future.
Some of my more favorite traits I have helped leaders adopt and for habits to sustain are confidence, clarity and connection. If you are now thinking, how do you do this?
All of these traits require MINDSET. They also must have habits attached to them. The 1-2 punch of mindset and habits is powerful.
An example on connection. You have asked for feedback from your most trusted
“board of directors.” Good news. Feedback given is you are regarded as smart and
communicate with a great foundation of knowledge and confidence. The feedback
also included that you could improve how comfortable you make your employees.
Also shared—you are at times intimidating, serious, and could be a better listener.
This would be an opportunity to improve CONNECTION and how you adapt and
relate in your communication and interaction with your employees. Taking on the
commitment to treat others as individuals and not monolithically. Charting feedback
on how well you adopt these new habits and continually asking for feedback until
your scorecard goes from a 3 to a 10 in that area.
This is one way changing a behavior leads to an improved executive presence.
So, fear not that you are missing the complete palate of leading traits of Executive
Presence---start with feedback and then begin the process of changing (starting or
stopping) behaviors to strengthen your leadership! Then invest the time to fill the
gaps with leadership coaching!